Who We Are

The Paca Foundation is an independent, non-profit

organization dedicated to promoting the future of human security.

The Paca Foundation works with academic experts, futurists, and sci-fi authors to conduct interdisciplinary research on human security. This research is an essential source of information to provide policymakers, researchers, media and the interested public with foresight on the latest developments in human security.

Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by understanding.

To solve the problem of civilian level understanding to the rest of world population that far left behind its modern physical mobility. Homo sapiens used to live a very local level, everybody knew everybody else, but transportation innovations have changed all that, in ocean, on land, in sky, and in space. Along with the evolvement of technology, we had wars from local to international. Cultural disconnection and language barrier make us divide, hoping to understand the whole from its part. The start to change is to make citizens of the planet be able to see other human beings with deep, rich, three-dimensional personal lives, in the same way one has empathy for the people he has grown up with, instead of be seeing as cardboard cutouts.


To advance human security.


A world without another world war.


Think ahead
Think together
Think for all

K. Wu
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
L. Gelsing
Treasurer of the Supervisory Board
N. Wei
Secretary of the Supervisory Board

The Commission on Human Security, in its final report Human Security Now, defines human security as:

“…to protect the vital core of all human lives in ways that enhance human freedoms and human fulfillment. Human security means protecting fundamental freedoms – freedoms that are the essence of life. It means protecting people from critical (severe) and pervasive (widespread) threats and situations. It means using processes that build on people’s strengths and aspirations. It means creating political, social, environmental, economic, military and cultural systems that together give people the building blocks of survival, livelihood and dignity.”

Overall, the definition proposed by the Commission on Human Security re-conceptualizes security in a fundamental way by:

(i) moving away from traditional, state-centric conceptions of security that focused primarily on the safety of states from military aggression, to one that concentrates on the security of the individuals, their protection and empowerment;

(ii) drawing attention to a multitude of threats that cut across different aspects of human life and thus highlighting the interface between security, development and human rights; and

(iii) promoting a new integrated, coordinated and people-centered approach to advancing peace, security and development within and across nations.

There is no single definition of human security. In the literature devoted to international relations and to development issues it has been referred to in various terms: as a new theory or concept, as a starting point for analysis, a world view, a political agenda, or as a policy framework. Although the definition of human security remains an open question, there is consensus among its advocates that there should be a shift of attention from a state-centered to a people-centered approach to security, that concern with the security of state borders should give way to concern with the security of the people who live within those borders.


Human Security Foresight is a prediction methodology for determining and detecting the most likely human security developments and threats in the mid-term future.


The Paca Foundation is officially a registered charity in the Netherlands (known as ANBI-status).

Remuneration policy: The Foundation pays its staff a market-based salary, in comparison with other research and technology organisations. The salaries and employment conditions of the Executive Board are determined by the Supervisory Board. Members of the Supervisory Board receive no remuneration for the fulfilment of their responsibilities to the Foundation. Costs incurred by members of the Supervisory Board in the fulfilment of their responsibilities are reimbursed on the basis of individual claims.

Registered name

Paca Foundation (Paca Stichting)

RSIN number


Chamber of Commerce registration



Prinses Margrietplantsoen 33, 2595 AM, The Hague, The Netherlands

Strategic plan: The Foundation’s strategic plan 2022-2026 has been built according to the framework and the objectives. The main measures included in the strategic plan are as follows:


Promote the “future cognition” concept;
Organise local and international events to shape and to evolve a shared vision;
Increase the human coping mechanism to catch up the technology evolvement;
Drive global education and legal system to adapt dynamic circumstances.


Establish a communication plan to manage the ongoing and timely flow of information to all stakeholders;
Create a plan that sustains and matches knowledges and skills from the members of the community to participate events and content development.


Develop a comprehensive plan to recruit, recognize and retain forward thinking, innovative, and diversified staff dedicated to accomplish the mission;
Develop and implement competitive compensation packages, and salary ranges.